Thursday, April 21, 2011

Chemistry: pH, pOH, and Titration

pOH: the relative concentration of OH ions in a solution.
pH: the relative concentration of H ions in a solution.
Titration: quantitative chemical analysis that is used to determine the unknown concentration of a known reactant.
Use this program to determine the pH or pOH (ambiguous in the program...enter them in the same spot, but remember which one you are using) of a solution given either the concentration of hydroxide or hydrogen for either. It works in reverse too.

>The ":Sci" and ":Normal" commands are in the "MODE" button. Displays in scientific notation of numbers and normal notation of numbers, respectively.

  • pH from pOH
  • pH from concentration of OH
  • pH from concentration of H
  • pOH from pH
  • pOH from concentration of OH
  • pOH from concentration of H
  • concentration of H from pOH
  • concentration of H from pH
  • concentration of H from concentration of OH
  • concentration of OH from pOH
  • concentration of OH from pH
  • concentration of OH from concentration of H
-- pH --
:Menu("Unknown:","Titration",1,"pH or pOH",2)
:Lbl 1
:Menu("Given:","Titration",3,"pH or pOH",4)
:Lbl 3
:Input "Titration: ",A
:Disp "Titration:",B
:Goto 99
:Lbl 4
:Input "pH or pOH: ",A
:Disp "Titration:",B
:Goto 99
:Lbl 2
:Menu("Given:","Titration",5,"pH or pOH",6)
:Lbl 5
:Input "Titration: ",A
:Disp "pH or pOH:",B
:Goto 99
:Lbl 6
:Input "pH or pOH: ",A
:Disp "pH or pOH:",C
:Goto 99
:Lbl 9
:Menu("Unknown:","pH or pOH", 11,"Titration",12)
:Lbl 11
:Input "Titration: ",A
:Disp "pH:",B
:Goto 99
:Lbl 12
:Input "pH or pOH: ",A
:Disp "Titration:",B
:Goto 99
:Lbl 99

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